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Narrative Showreel 2020
The Record (in production)
Directed by Molly Simmons
Leonne (in post-production)
Directed by Sandesh Pal
Nameless (2019)
Directed by Jonna Laitinen
More information
WHAT HEAT (2019)
Directed by João Cabrita
Short documentary exploring the emotional impact of climate change on climate activists. It follows the development of Extinction Rebellion Scotland and its members, from their first action in occupying the Scottish Parliament in January 2019 to the blockade of Edinburgh's North Bridge in April 2019. It touches on climate communication and the empathic mode of speech as a means to engage with those that feel disconnected from the cause. Soon available online.
The Fire Spinner (2018)
Short Documentary Project
Capoeira (2019)
Short Performance Project
Bored (2018)
Short Story Project
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